The Best Houseplants for your Home Office

Mercury Retrograde is looming (we’re officially in the “shadow period” now) and that had us thinking about previously published posts! We shared a blog about “the best houseplants for your home office” back in 2020 when…millions of people suddenly began working from home…and we’re realizing it’s more relevant than ever.

Two years later (!!!) rather than working at home/having a home office being something that felt temporary and strange…it’s become a lifestyle for many people around the world.

While working from home was once something lots of people dreamed of doing…it has become a reality, and requirement for many people in 2022. But just because you’re no longer driving to an office doesn’t mean your workspace has be drab!

Use the following plants to bring some character and fresh air into your home office space.

Some of the best house plants for your home office:

The snake plant just screams structure! Working from home is new for many people this year, and a grounded looking plant might subliminally influence you to be focused and productive. And hey even if that’s a stretch…it’s a pretty plant that doesn’t need much attention. It’s highly adaptable, so should you return to an office outside your home, you could bring it along with you!

  • Bromeliad Houseplant

Bromeliads aren’t the most low maintenance plant, they do require a bit of love and care initially, but once they bloom they require very little attention. It’s sort of like the pivot period many of us faced (and are still facing) this year. While difficult, there is reward and beauty on the other side of all the hard work. The bromeliad doesn’t need much fertilizer or plant food and you only need to water it every once in a while. They are very drought tolerant!

Air plants are a classic for any office. They instantly upgrade a space with a unique character and require almost 0 attention. These are also a winner for the home office category specifically, because if you’re working from home with furry friends, they won’t be able to reach air plants living in one of these great hanging planters!

Did you begin working from home in 2020? Have you established a home office by 2022? What are your favorite plants to keep at home?


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