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All About Venus with Erin from TBH Magic

Hi friends! It’s Erin from back again with some astro weather!

What comes to mind when you think about Venus?

Chances are, L-O-V-E! And, that would be correct. Astrologically, Venus does rule love, but the deeper conversation here is about values, and how the things we love are actually just an embodiment of what we value in our lives.

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, I thought it would be a cool time to do a mini-dive into the waters of love! Love is a universal language. No matter where you live on planet Earth, it’s something we all understand. Love is something we’re always able to give ourselves and hopefully something we’re able to give others (and receive as well). Like our values, though, people have different Love Languages and embody their values differently. It’s still a universal feeling, but can take on different appearances. 

It’s always a valuable time to talk about Venus…but every year and a half there’s a specific astrological transit that asks us for an additional amount of care and sweetness: Venus Retrograde. 

Venus stations retrograde every 18 months and it’s typically a difficult time defined by money mixups, frustrations in relationships, and maybe a bad haircut. It’s thankfully much less frequent than Mercury Retrograde (3-4 times a year), but it’s arguably more potent. For 40 days and 40 nights, Venus’ retrograde period, we’re asked to backstroke through our values and review what’s truly worthy of our love.

Venus stationed retrograde on December 19th, 2021, and stations direct this weekend (hallelujah!!!) on Saturday, January 29th, 2022. 

This period has marked a time of potent review in love. It coupled (get it) with a Mercury Retrograde (stationing direct just a few days later), so chances are high that “communication within partnership” was an overarching theme. New couples (dating less than 18 months) experiencing their first Venus Retrograde tend to either have major breakthroughs, or breakdowns. 

Once Venus is direct again, beauty seems to refill our hearts. It might be time to buy that new jacket you’ve been coveting, or finally start painting for fun on the weekends. A charming energy settles into the collective once more and relating to people feels nourishing again, rather than taxing.

If you’d ever like to honor Venus, Friday is a special day to do so. Venus is the planetary ruler over Friday, so it’s a lovely time for Venusian activities like getting your nails done or visiting an art museum.

You can also make an altar for Venus in your home, especially if you’re hoping to call in more love to your life. An altar doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive. It’s simply a space in your home that you dedicate specific objects for a ritualistic purpose. 

Ritual for Venus:

  • At some point on a Friday, clear a space in your home to set out some objects and dedicate them to Venus: 

    • If you own any Rose Quartz, that’s the most common crystal associated with Venus/love, but this is YOUR altar! You can set out any stone that makes you feel loved, or reminds you of the love you hope to find in a relationship.

    • Add heart shaped objects (this can be as simple as drawing or coloring hearts on paper) to your altar as an additional way to call in the qualities of Venus

    • Venus rules money, so any loose change (or perhaps a blank check written to yourself!) is a nice addition to a Venusian altar.

    • Honey or any other “sweet treat” is a nice gift for Venus as appreciation for the sweetness of life

It’s also nice to know where Venus lives in your astrological birth chart. This can be like another “Love Language” for you to consider when showing love to yourself and others. It’s also nice to know the Venus Sign of the people you love! PS: You won’t even need their birth time for that info, as long as you know their birthday and year, you can Google it!

If you already know the Venus signs you’re curious to learn more about, I did a blog called “What Your Astrological Birth Chart Says About Love” way back in July of 2020 that you can read here.

If you’d rather learn more detialed information about your Venus sign, or perhaps how your signs relate to your partners, you can book a reading with me at TBH Magic.