What Your Astrological Birth Chart Says About Love


Hello out there! It’s Erin from TBH Magic back again to talk plants and planets. This week, we’re talking about what the Universe has to say about love in your birth chart.

When things get tough, like they have been in 2020 for everyone, I like to think about what we all have in common.

There are very few universal truths...but I do like to believe that love is one of them. Love is something we all have in common! It’s something we are always able to give ourselves and hopefully something we’re always able to give to others (and receive as well)! So while it doesn’t feel like there’s a lot to celebrate this year...it’s LEO SEASON! Let’s take the time to get excited about where love shines in the astrological birth chart.

Aries Venus

The Aries Venus person loves boldly and in ALL CAPS! As the very first sign of the zodiac, your love style is...urgent. You fall in love fast, hard, and often. While you’re no stranger to steamy relationships, long standing relationships aren’t always your strong suit. 

Taurus Venus

If your Venus is in Taurus, slow and steady wins the race. While it might take you longer than others to meet a potential long term partner, once you decide on that special someone, you’re in it for the long haul! You’re extremely devoted and need to be weary of staying longer than you should in relationships that have expired. You also have a deep desire to be surrounded by nice things! Think: nice dinner dates and pretty gifts!

Gemini Venus 

A Gemini Venus placement means you’re the biggest flirt of the zodiac. There’s no way around it! Thanks to Mercury, you have the gift of gab and enjoy chatting with suitors about anything and everything. But when will you ever decide to commit to just one? 

Cancer Venus

If your Venus is in Cancer, you are the truest lover. You’re empathetic, possibly to a psychic degree, with the ones they hold most dear. You can feel things before you even understand what they mean. Your challenge with this placement is to know when to pull back. Smothering the people you care about is a real risk with this Venus sign placement. Maintain boundaries and the people in your life will count their lucky stars to know a love like yours.

Leo Venus

With a Venus in Leo placement in the birth chart, you LOVE LOVE and don’t care who knows it! It was definitely a Venus in Leo person that decided “PDA” would be a thing. Your love life is decidedly a stage. So go ahead, be loud and proud in your love. You’re a shining example of how to really fall hard and wear your big, kind heart on your sleeve. Ps, don’t forget to indulge in yourself while you’re busy falling hard for someone new (which is often, because you’re very charming). It can be exhausting!

Virgo Venus

“How can I help?” Is the question that every Venus in Virgo person brings to a loving relationship. You place utmost importance on routine and structure and appreciate the rhythms of a long term relationship. Just ensure that you’re getting back what you give in love…because with this placement, you’re giving a lot to the people in your inner circle.

Libra Venus

Libra needs a partner. Period. Like with Venus in Taurus, you’re likely to stay in relationships that you probably shouldn’t. But while Taurus does because they’re stubborn and prefer to be still...you just genuinely need to be part of a duo, so if your self esteem is low, that duo could happen with just about anyone! 

Scorpio Venus

The Venus in Scorpio person desires power in relationships and wants to be deeply involved with the closest people in their lives. You want to know everything that’s going on with your lover...all their secrets and desires. You’re likely to be the pursuer in relationships and enjoy when you succeed. Because of Pluto’s power of your love life, be aware that you can come off intimidating to people. 

Sagittarius Venus

Can you say: long distance relationships? With Sagittarius ruling over love in your birth chart, it’s extremely likely that your romantic life will include far flung getaways. Lucky you! If you’re not the one traveling, it’s likely that your partner is involved with something overseas (maybe they’re from another country or do business abroad). And of course like Aries and Leo, your love life is generally fiery and passionate! 

Capricorn Venus

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and he means BUSINESS! In love relationships, you’re looking for a true partner. You will be curious about their work ethics and what they bring to the table...literally and figuratively! Try to not be too rigid in what you’re looking for in the love department. No one is perfect, even you! Let yourself lean into play in your relationships...you shouldn’t have to work too hard in love.

Aquarius Venus

Aquarius is innovative and hyper focused on the furtherance of humanity. Not exactly a lovey dovey placement for romance! However, you have a LOT of love to offer the masses. You’re creative and appreciate new ways of looking at the world. How can your unique views around love and values teach us all something new?

Pisces Venus

Pisces, like Cancer, is a very traditionally romantic placement for a Venus sign to reside. Ruled by Neptune however, there can be a lot of smoke and mirrors involved. While love comes easy, it is most certainly not always what it seems. Lean into your extremely intuitive abilities and pay close attention to dreams you have about romantic interests. Let the unconscious mind lead.

Do you know where Venus is in your birth chart? Would you like to find out? Contact me directly at www.tbhmagic.com and book your reading today!


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