Houseplants for Health


While we’re very much still in the throes of winter, the weather in the triangle this week is BLESSEDLY sunny! We’ve gotten a lot, lot, lot, of rain lately though (with much more coming next week) and coupled with many of us still working from home, we wanted to highlight some specific plants that are good for your health.

Most us have been quite aware of our health in a new way since COVID quarantine began almost a year ago, and it can be stifled when we’re sitting inside.

Even with COVID aside, with less sunny days lately and much less access to places outside the home, it’s nice to know what plants have some additional healthy qualities to offer your household.

If you’re stuck inside working, or hiding from the rain, or both, these plants will not only make your space appear brighter, they’ll make you feel good, too!

Aloe Vera Succulent Plant

Most people recognize Aloe as a “sunburn plant” and that’s pretty accurate! The gel inside the leaves works to cool down the skin and act as a protective barrier. But additionally, these easy to care for succulents work to clean the air of benzene and formaldehyde (given off from paint and cleaners with chemical ingredients).

Ficus Rubber Burgundy Bush

Rubber trees absorb and break down harmful chemicals in the air. Their large, glossy leaves also take in the carbon dioxide we exhale and convert it to oxygen. They might take up more space than a lot of the other plants we sell, but they’re doing a lot of good work in that space!

Snake Plant


Like other household succulents, snake plants help to filter indoor air. What’s unique about this specific plant though, is that it’s one of the few plants that can convert carbon dioxide into oxygen AT NIGHT! That makes this one an ideal plant for bedroom decor as it can help regulate healthy airflow while you sleep.

Of course we would say all plants are great for your health, but these are just a few that have extra special healing properties. What’re your favorite plants for health?


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