Astrology with TBH Magic: Pisces Season 2021


I’ve been talking about Aquarius a ton lately (and will continue to all year) but the energies are definitely shifting a bit now. We're welcoming some expansive waters back into our otherwise very dry landscape.

 Pisces season feels, key word being feels, like warm rain.

 There's been a lot of talk, talk, talk, lately...about the future, about the past, but not much feeling. Pisces is ready to help us transcend that environment by demanding that our emotions play a role in all these conversations.

 How can you tune back into your inner realm?

 What can you prepare to release over the coming weeks, so that by Aries season, you'll be ready to start something completely new?


  • Mercury Direct (YAY!!!): Saturday, February 20th

  • Venus enters Pisces: Thursday, February 25th

  • Full Moon in Virgo: Saturday, February 27th

 Make a practice over the next month of asking yourself how you truly feel about whatever chapters are coming to a close in your life. Because yes, if Pisces is about’s about endings. 

 It’s funny that COVID numbers are finally going down, and it ~feels~ like we’re beginning to see the light of day again. We’re coming up on ONE YEAR of this pandemic lockdown situation now (!!!) and Pisces wants to make sure we’re really feeling it...every single emotion.

Before we can enter the next phase of our lives (Aries season begins on March 21st), we must drift into the liminal space of our subconscious.

 While it’s impossible to process everything right now, we can process a lot more than we probably give ourselves credit for...because we can do hard things! Pisces knows that, because while it’s just one thing, it’s also ALL the things! It’s the last zodiac sign and has experienced a little taste of every single energy before it. So while it’s neither here nor there, it’s also everywhere.

 We celebrate the New Year on January 1st, but astrologically, we begin our new yearly cycle in March. 

 So if you feel like you’re starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but you know you’re just not QUITE there yet, that’s perfectly normal. As is any other feeling you might be experiencing! This season is just about acknowledging all of it.

 The “darker” energy of Pisces season is the desire to escape the mundane. Pay special attention how you might try to do that in your own life over the next month and ask yourself if it’s serving you.

 Pisces rules the 12th house in astrology which is VERY spiritual (and what people love to exclusively talk about Pisces energy) but it’s also escapist. 

 This house rules mental institutions, prisons, and rehab facilities. What do those places all have in common? They are areas relegated from society that adhere to their own very special and specific standards. In short, they’re “checked out” from the “real world” and live in an entirely separate ecosystem.

 The high vibe expression of Pisces finds ways to integrate that “higher mind” with the real world rather than trying to leave it. Virgo is the other sign on the Pisces axis, so if you feel yourself drifting too far away...MAKE A LIST to come back down to Earth.

 We’re now floating in the ending in anticipation of the beginning...a beginning that feels strangely familiar. If nothing else, practice gratitude for your life vest(s).


Where’s Pisces in your birth chart?! Don’t know…but want to find out?
Get in touch with Erin @ TBH Magic.


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