Astrology with TBH Magic: Birth Charts 101

Hi angels! It’s Erin from TBH Magic back once again. First of all, it’s been one of my greatest pleasures to be here with you for almost all of 2021. What a year it’s been!

Looking ahead to 2022, I wanted to discuss charts with you guys a bit more. I introduced the topic here on the blog last year, titled “Your Astrological Chart Ruler” and thought I would start there for a recap on charts.


1. Determine your Ascendant sign. EX: In the chart above, the Ascendant is Leo.

2. Determine the planet that rules your Ascendant sign. EX: The Sun is the planetary ruler of Leo.

3. Determine where that planet lives within your chart. EX: In the chart above, the Sun is in Cancer in the 12th House.

4. Combine the house, sign, and planet! EX: In the chart above, the chart ruler is the 12th House Cancer Sun.

Knowing that single signature of a birth chart will tell you SO MUCH about a person. Someone ruled by the Sun in Libra is going to come across generally more positive and warm than someone ruled by Saturn in Capricorn, who will have a serious demeanor and a marked level of discipline.

While people’s first introduction to astrology is often: “What’s your sign?” this question only inquires about a person’s Sun. The Sun is of course important in everyone’s chart…but you might find someone’s chart ruler to be much more revealing about the general themes and overall flavor of their life.

The U.S. has its very own birth chart, (which will factor heavily in 2022 due to the U.S. Pluto Return) which can serve to tell us about the country overall, just like it functions for an individual’s chart. The birth chart of the U.S. features a Sagittarius Ascendant, according to the popular Sibly Chart (check it out here). That means the U.S. has a planetary chart ruler of Jupiter. This planet is all about faith, expansion, and freedom, which are unquestionably themes of the country!

As you can see, the astrological chart ruler can tell you a lot about a person, or place! We’ll dive much deeper into charts in 2022, reviewing other key factors like the Midheaven, night charts versus day charts, and so much more!

If you’re curious about your own chart ruler and how it'll be impacted in 2022, I’d love to dive into your placements!

Connect with me directly over at @tbhmagic on Instagram or visit to book a reading directly!


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