Your Astrological Chart Ruler

If you're familiar with astrology (or have gotten familiar with astrology through these blogs…hi!), you've heard of your Rising, or "Ascendant" sign. This is the sign that was rising over the Eastern horizon at the moment of your birth.

Your Ascendant sign, and particularly its ruling planet, have a LOT to do with your personality. We use them to  determine your chart ruler, or what I ( Erin, from TBH Magic ) like to call your cosmic essence! 


1. Determine your Ascendant sign. EX: In the chart above, the Ascendant is Leo.

2. Determine the planet that rules your Ascendant sign. EX: The Sun is the planetary ruler of Leo.

3. Determine where that planet lives within your chart. EX: In the chart above, the Sun is in Cancer in the 12th House.

4. Combine the house, sign, and planet! EX: In the chart above, the chart ruler is the 12th House Cancer Sun.

I pay very close attention to the HOUSE placement when discussing the chart ruler with clients. While the signs and planets are important too...the house they reside in will determine an overall theme in the client's life.

If your chart ruler is in the 8th House, for example, your sexuality defines you. In the 4th House, your home and family are your world. A person with their chart ruler in the 10th will be extremely focused on their life's work above all else. See what I mean?

If you’re curious about your own chart ruler and how it's being impacted astrologically in 2020, I’d love to dive into your placements!

Connect with me directly over at @tbhmagic on Instagram or visit to book a reading directly!

And in the meantime, we want to know: have you heard about the astrological chart ruler before? What house rules your chart? Let us know in the comments!


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