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Virgo New Moon Mantras

Hi, friends! It’s Erin from TBH Magic back again. Are you ready for the New Moon?

Did you know that Megan, The Zen Succulent co-owner, is a Virgo?! She’s celebrating her birthday in just a few days and I want to dedicate ALL of these Virgo new moon mantras to her! Virgos are the truest earth mother’s of the zodiac. They are happiest in the fresh air with their hands buried in the dirt! Of course Megan founded a company all about beautiful succulents. :-)

This is a lovely new moon for all of us…no matter your sun sign! If you’re familiar with your RISING sign, please read that first. Without getting too complicated, the rising sign is what astrologer’s use to write horoscopes, because it allows us to determine where all the houses fall in the birth chart. Once we know that, we know exactly where the new moon will land in the chart, and therefore some themes that can be expected.

If you don’t know your rising sign, that’s ok! You can always just read for your sun sign and that will always hold truth. If you do know it though, feel free to read both and see which one resonates more!

The New Moon in Virgo swoops in today, Thursday, September 17th at 7:00 AM ET and it means BUSINESS. With the Sun and Moon both in the sign of grounded Virgo making an exact trine to Saturn in Capricorn, we'll all be given a hefty dose of discernment.

You're going to be ready to make a big new plan! Write that to-do list and prepare to be deliberate and decisive. We have an intense fall ahead of us, but this lunation creates some space to lay a foundation for it.

I’ve also selected some items from the shop that feel particularly fitting for this New Moon in Virgo and have interspersed them through the post. I hope they will help with all of your manifestations this lunation!

Aries / Aries Rising

I know how to relax. I will take some time off and trust the universe to handle the details. 

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Taurus / Taurus Rising

I accept that no one is perfect, including me. I will block off time in my schedule for free-flowing creativity. 

Gemini / Gemini Rising

Taking care of myself first improves my home life. I will let someone else steer the family ship occasionally. 

Cancer / Cancer Rising 

I am not my friends’ free virtual assistant. I will allow plans to arise organically and embrace serendipity.  

Leo / Leo Rising

My relationship with money is healed. I will organize, but not obsess, over my finances.

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Virgo / Virgo Rising

Nobody’s body is perfect. I will begin a new fitness routine while accounting for rest days.

Libra / Libra Rising

My imagination is expansive. I will write down my dreams and analyze what they’re trying to tell me.

Scorpio / Scorpio Rising

My inventive plans for the future are worth the effort. I will practice patience in realizing my dreams.

Sagittarius / Sagittarius Rising

My career might feel different in 2020 and that's ok. I will read a book written by someone in my field for inspiration.

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Capricorn / Capricorn Rising

The concrete is not all that exists. I will research intangible concepts with curiosity and openness. 

Aquarius / Aquarius Rising

I am thankful for life’s mysteries. I will analyze endings only to a point that is constructive for healing, and then move on.

Pisces / Pisces Rising

My partnerships are perfectly imperfect. I will write a list of all the great qualities I bring to relationships.

If you’re curious about astrology and how it relates to YOU, get in touch with Erin directly at TBH Magic.