Plant Care Tips for Fall


After the sweltering temperatures of summer, fall is one of our favorite seasons to embrace. Warm sweaters, spiced apples, beautiful leaves, and of course…PLANT CARE!

Less sunlight, and thus drier air inside, means we have to pay special attention to our plants this time of year. While indoor plants won’t be impacted THAT much by changing outdoor temperatures, it’s always nice to pay extra care when you’re able.

Here are a few handy reminders for greeting fall hand-in-hand with your favorite plants this week:

  1. Group plants close together. Like people huddled outside in cold weather, plants appreciate (and thrive!) when they’re close to one another. Plants release water into the air which increases the humidity surrounding them. More humidity = happier cold weather plants!

  2. Add a tray of pebbles and water underneath your plants. This can be an easy and aesthetically pleasing way to increase the moisture and humidity of your plants. As the water evaporates from the tray of pebbles (you can use something as simple as a cookie sheet) it will rise up to the plants and increase the humidity of the area.

  3. Speaking of humidity, you might just want to buy a humidifier. If your plants are surrounded by a high humidity level, they’ll be better at retaining water. So like with the grouping tip, this isn’t a make it or break it adjustment, but generally it helps plants out! When the humidity is too low in a room, you’ll notice the tips of your plants browning, thus requiring more trimming on your part.

  4. Water plants based on the moisture of their soil. All of these tips come back to the temperature in the prospective rooms of your plants. When heaters turn on because of cooler weather, plants can be affected. So instead of just watering the same amount as you did throughout the summer, consult the soil first and go from there for a watering schedule.

As you can see, it’s all about retaining the heat as temperatures outside are dropping. And since our favorite plants can’t wear gloves and mittens like us… humidity is the key! What’re your favorite fall weather plant tips? Share with us in the comments!


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