Creating Full Moon and New Moon Rituals

Hey again! It’s Erin from TBH Magic back again for this week's edition of Plants and Planets.

Since it’s Cancer Season, we’re here to talk about the MOON!

Creating Full Moon and New Moon Rituals

If you’re familiar with astrology at all, you’ve probably heard about moon cycles. The moon is especially potent right now because we’re in Cancer season which is ruled by the moon (like our oceans!).

Whether you have Cancer placements in your own birth chart or not, we’re all feeling extra emotional and sentimental right now.

But did you know you can harness the power of the moon each month?

There is a full moon and new moon cycle every month and each is special in its own right.

New Moons are a time for beginnings while full moons are a monthly culmination point.

New Moon

New Moons are full of opportunity. The sky is dark and your potential is limitless. Find out what sign the New Moon is in, and consult an astrologer to find out where that aspect is in your chart to decide how to harness the specific energy.


Fire sign: 

  • Fire signs love to be creative. Vision boards are great for a fire sign New Moon because you can visualize your next cycle and have fun while creating it...ideally with your closest friends! 

Water sign:

  • Water signs are notoriously introverted. You might not be ready to shout your New Moon intentions to the world, but you have the gift of feeling and should get your plans (whether through a poem, or journal entry) down on paper...and if nothing else take a bath and meditate on what you want the next month to feel like. 

Air sign:

  • Air signs are a natural fit for New Moons because they love NEW ideas and floating around. If the New Moon is in an air sign, travel somewhere if you’re able or just daydream a bit and pin to a travel inspiration board on Pinterest! Now is the time to plan the trip of your dreams.


  • Earth signs would do well to be in nature for a new moon.Think grounding yourself, literally, in the intentions that you hope to subscribe to for the next 30 days. Maybe you should buy a plant to remind you of what you’re hoping to manifest?

Philodendron Moonlight

Philodendron Moonlight

Full Moon (Next Full Moon July 5, 2020)

If you’re familiar with your birth chart and have any major aspects in water signs you might feel particularly charged under a full moon. Usually people are either particularly energized or totally wiped out by a full moon.

Full Moons are for release. They light up the sky so nothing can hide...even in the shadows. Full moons are an opportunity to let go of what’s been holding you back so that you’ll be ready to manifest when the next New Moon rolls around.

Again, consult an astrologer to find out where the full moon is shining in your own birth chart and how to best lean into it, but here are a few general examples of rituals for a Full Moon:


  • Shadow work: What do you shy away from in your day to day that expends excess energy? What are you ready to release so you can make more room for creation?

  • Charge your crystals: If you work with crystals Full Moons are a great time to put them outside and either recharge or clear them for the next cycle. Be wary of Eclipse season for charging when the full moon is more erratic than typical.

  • Elemental tactics for release:

    • Fire signs: strenuous workout

    • Water sign: emotional expression

    • Air sign: venting to a friend

    • Earth signs: check things off your to-do list

Have any more astrology or moon ritual specific questions? Get in touch with Erin at and book a birth chart reading!


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