Proactive Tips and Tricks for Mercury Retrograde

Hello out there! It’s Erin Frye from TBH Magic back again to share what’s going on this week with the plants and planets.

Typically I share things that are happening as we speak, or are that are just about to happen astrologically. We’ve talked about Gemini Season, as well as Venus Retrograde so far. But this week...we’re working a little in advance. Why? Because the often feared and frequently misunderstood Mercury Retrograde returns in mid-June! So, I’ve decided to be VERY proactive and write this post a few weeks in advance so nothing goes awry. 

Let me tell you why!

Mercury goes retrograde several times every year. You would think that operating within its energy that often, we would begin to get used to it and know how to deal. But alas, time and again, Mercury Retrograde manages to knock us off our rockers.

Even us astrologers!

Mercury rules Gemini, so think about the Gemini people you know. What comes to mind? Chances are...lots of WORDS. Mercury rules Gemini and c-o-m-m-u-n-i-c-a-t-i-o-n.


And like we learned before, when a planet is “Retrograde” that simply means that it appears to be moving backwards through our skies.

With all of that to say, our communication is going to feel, well, a little backwards, from June 18th till July 12th.

Specifically, look out for:

  • Minor Car Troubles

  • Internet Issues

  • Texting Snafus 

  • Past Issues 

Bookmark these handy plant care tips & tricks to be proactive about the Retrograde ahead!

  1. 5 Plant Podcasts: Your communication might not be at its smoothest, but these plant podcasts have plenty of pre-recorded episodes you can play back and learn from! 

  2. 5 Plants for People who Kill Plants: Did you ask your roommate to water your plants and she forgot? Accidentally forget to buy that specific soil you needed? Remember that sneaky little issues like that can arise during Mercury Retrograde! These plants are pretty much Mercury Retrograde proof.

  3. Caring for Air Plants: Mercury rules Gemini, and it happens to be Gemini season for the first half of the retrograde. Air plants just might be the safest bet!

  4. Plant Parent Basics: Pests: Why not learn about pests while navigating pesky Mercury Retrograde? The more you know about them, the better prepared you’ll be to prevent damage. 

 Planning is key when it comes to this energy! What are you doing with your plants, and otherwise, for Retrograde Season?


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