The Moon and Your Emotions by TBH Magic


Hey y’all! It’s Erin from TBH Magic back again.

I can’t believe how much we’ve covered this year. We’ve talked about what plant you should get depending on your zodiac sign, Mars through the zodiac signs, and moon rituals among many other astrological topics!

So today, in honor of Scorpio season and being a bit in my feels after the past week of news in the U.S. Presidential Election (did you know President Elect Joe Biden is a Scorpio?) I wanted to focus on the Moon through the signs.

While many people focus on the SUN signs in astrology, the Moon has a lot to say as well. While the sun is our shining outward expression, the moon is how we feel our human experience. 

Read on to see what the moon in each sign FEELS like!


You know what you want and you want it NOW. Your sun and rising signs will determine how much this actually shines through...but even if your sun is in a grounded earth sign, with an Aries moon, you will move much quicker emotionally than others. You are the definition of instinctual about your feelings. It doesn’t take you any time at all to know how you feel and what you’re going to do about it.

You’re very will rarely leave someone, because you know how to HANG ON emotionally! You also feel safe and secure when you have tangible things (money, art, plants, etc.) around you. Taurus rules the PHYSICAL realm and in your most intimate placement, your feelings deeply rely on “real world” things you can appreciate with all five senses.


You’re BORED a lot and probably have a nervous energy. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, and with this position, you want to TALK, TALK, TALK about how you feel! It’s almost like you don’t know what you feel until you canvas the people around you and see how they feel. You’re a collector of information and in the sign of the moon, you gauge the instincts of many rather than trusting your gut.


A moon in Cancer is right at home. You are, at least on the inside, a squishy, soft, caring little soul. You have a psychic tendency when it comes to reading people and just being able to “know” how they feel. Pay extremely close attention to the feelings you get as you can absolutely trust your intuition. You’re also probably a weepy person, especially when you’re around people you know and love. Bring on the waterworks!


The heart of an artist! Leo is a fixed sign so once you decide how you feel about’ve pretty much decided FOR GOOD. You’re very creative and passionate and feel happiest when you’re expressing your feelings. What does that look like for you, Leo!


A Virgo moon is not totally dissimilar to a Gemini moon. There’s a marked nervousness to your energy and it’s quite hard for you to relax. Again, like Gemini, your emotions are ruled by Mercury, which is a quick moving planet. You feel your safest and most fulfilled when you’re in a structured, calm, environment. If you’re able to help others while you’re there...all the better!


All air sign (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) moons are at their happiest when they’re around other people. Libra, especially, prefers those people to maybe just be one person...THE ONE person. Libra is a sign of balance. With the sign in your moon position, you are extremely preoccupied with relationships and wanting to be part of a pair. You feel your best when you have someone to be a mirror for you.

All water sign moons are pretty super powered as the natural ruler of the moon is Cancer, a water sign. In Scorpio though the emotions are distinctly deep and very powerful. You have obsessive tendencies, whether you will admit it or not, and control is very important to you. Like with Cancer, you can trust your intuition about people and will need to prioritize alone time.


If your moon is in Sag, you have a profound love of travel and higher learning. It probably is deeply important to you that you’re always learning new things, whether that be in traditional schooling or on your own. Like other fiery moons, you have an innate confidence. There’s no pretending about the way you feel. You know yourself. 

A Capricorn moon is a structured, hard working place to have a heart center. In this human life, you’re most comforted by performance. You want to succeed and have things to show for it. Specifically, money! The way to your heart is truly through the tangible realm. Lookout for workaholic tendencies! 


This is one of the most distant places for the moon to reside. Unless your sun and/or rising is in a water sign, you’re not very all. Aquarius is a humanitarian through and through. Definitely an “ahead of its time” sort of placement, you feel things about the world and society that other people just might not even understand! You don’t much need the company of anyone and are quite happy to do your own thing. What matters most to you is taking society to the next level. 


SWOON for the Pisces moon! While a water sign, a Pisces moon is almost similar to Libra in the way that it craves affections from others. It’s certainly a bit wackier than Libra, but as the last sign of the zodiac it feels feelings deeply, and profoundly. If your moon is in Pisces, you definitely have a fondness for all living creatures. Humans, yes, but also animals and truly anything alive. You connect with, and blissfully love, it all. You will be happiest surrounded by animals and the people you care about most.

Do you know where the Moon falls in your birth chart? Connect with Erin at @tbhmagic on Instagram or on her website at!


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