Plant Tip Tuesday: Top 5 Best Houseplants for Kids

Are you the proud parent of an honor roll student at a local elementary school? Do you babysit for friends and family throughout the week or when mom and dad need a date night? Or do you just need to find something to keep your way too energetic kids busy while you unwind for the day? Give the kiddos a plant and let ‘em focus all that energy on watering, pruning and keeping their new plant friend alive:) Here at TZS, we love kids and oftentimes will sit and make terrariums with them, so for this week’s edition of From The Potting Shed, we’ll be covering a few kid friendly plants that’ll be sure to keep your little ones busy. 

Here are our top 5 best kid friendly houseplants:

Spider plant: Spider plants are very easy to care for and they're also very forgiving. They can tolerate a wide range of light conditions and they don't need to be watered very often. Spider plants are also known for their air-purifying properties. They are also non-toxic to pets and children, making them a safe choice for households with curious little ones.

Snake plant: Snake plants are another very easy-to-care-for plant. They can tolerate low light conditions and they don't need to be watered very often. Snake plants are also very slow-growing, so they're a good choice for kids who might not be the most attentive plant parents. Snake plants are also very tolerant of neglect, so they're a good choice for kids who might forget to water their plants.

Aloe Vera: Aloe vera is a great plant for kids because it has a lot of practical uses. The gel from the leaves can be used to treat sunburn, cuts, and other minor injuries. Aloe vera plants are also very easy to care for. They need bright, indirect light and they should be watered every two weeks or so. Aloe vera is also a very hardy plant, so it can tolerate a bit of neglect.

Rubber plant: Rubber plants are a good choice for kids who want a plant that they can watch grow. They're relatively easy to care for and they can grow quite large. Rubber plants need bright, indirect light and they should be watered every two weeks or so. Rubber plants are also very easy to propagate, so kids can learn about plant growth and reproduction by taking cuttings from their plant and growing new plants from them.

Pothos: Pothos is a very versatile plant that can be grown in a pot or hanging basket. It's also very easy to care for and it can tolerate low light conditions. Pothos is a good choice for kids who want a plant that they can propagate. Pothos is also a very low-maintenance plant, so it's a good choice for kids who might not be able to water their plants as often as they should.

These are just a few of the many great houseplants that would be suitable for kids, so try a plant on this list or look into others! Remember. The smaller you start out the more time you’ll give your kiddo to learn about and watch the plant grow.


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