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Horoscopes for Leo Season with TBH Magic

Hey angels! It’s Erin from TBH Magic back again. Cancer Season has been flying by and we’re going to welcome Leo Season on July 22nd. The very beginning is looking pretty magical…but the latter part of the season (think early August onward) is full of some slippery astrology.

That said, I wrote these horoscopes confronting the general themes to expect and hope they’ll ring true! Trust that whatever unfolds this season is for your highest and best self. And if there’s one piece of overall advice I can offer: EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED!

Read for your RISING/ASCENDANT SIGN if you know it!

Horoscopes for Leo Season:

ARIES: You’re creating something new, Aries, and you’re putting your whole heart into it this season. It doesn’t always have to be a competition; create for creativity's sake.

TAURUS: Family is the name of the game for you this season. Decide to loosen your grip and express yourself openly and vulnerably to those you hold most dear. 

GEMINI: Never second-guess your gumption! This season is about sharing theatrical stories with friends, and maybe even devouring some drama on screen or stage, too.

CANCER: You might be ruled by the Moon, dear Crab, but this season you’re shining in an entirely new way. If you want to create new revenue streams, invest your heart first.

LEO: This season (your season!) there’s no question that you’re center-stage. Get comfortable in your body and play with different looks! Authenticity is never boring.

VIRGO: You’re in need of some solo time this season. Remember that “checking out" can actually be an effective way to check back in. Pay close attention to your dreams. 

LIBRA: Community is a focal point of your life this season. Make bold declarations to your allies (without checking the general consensus first) and see what happens.

SCORPIO: You’re working harder than anyone else this season, Scorpio. If you decide it’s time for a promotion, make your intentions clear and you shall have it.

SAGITTARIUS: Oh, the places you will go! People respect your adventures and are curious about how you create such a colorful life. Share your truth far and wide this season. 

CAPRICORN: This season is a time of great transformation for you. Reimagine the endings happening around you by embracing the silver linings, and fresh starts. 

AQUARIUS: “Commitment” is not a word you take lightly- now, or ever. Decide on the people worthy of your partnership and give them the gift of your attention this season.

PISCES: New habits are finding their way to you this season, and embracing them will improve your health. Show up in your waking life as exuberantly as you do in your dreams.

Sending you all lots of summer magic! And if you’d like to connect with me further or book a reading, reach out at