TBH Magic: The Summer Solstice + Cancer Season

Hi angels! It’s Erin from TBH Magic back again to talk about one of my FAVORITE times of year…the Summer Solstice and Cancer Season!

The Summer Solstice arrives next week on Tuesday, June 21st. The Summer Solstice is an annual event that marks the longest day (and therefore shortest night) of the year. It’s the first official day of SUMMER and celebrated for the warmth and promise of fun, carefree times that summer reflects.

The word “solstice” comes from the Latin words “sol” (sun) and “stitium” (still or stopped). 

It’s a special time spiritually, because it’s a marked shift. A halfway point is always a magical time to check in on how far you’ve come in your journey, and how far you have yet to go.

Astrologically, the Summer Solstice marks the beginning of Cancer Season (June 21 - July 22) and while many of us are worshipping the Sun at this point in the year, Cancer is ruled by the Moon.

Cancer people (and everyone during Cancer Season) are sensitive to the subtle realms. They can be overwhelmed easily because they pick up on the subliminal easier than most people. They are the cosmic Mother’s of our Earth and love to nurture anyone and everyone around them. They’re also extremely psychic!

The interplay between the two luminaries (the Sun and the Moon) makes the energy of the Summer Solstice especially potent. What would illumination be, without shadow? What would momentum be, without depth? What would abundance be, without conservation?

These are deep questions posed by the halfway point in the calendar year.

Mantra for the Summer Solstice: By witnessing, honoring, and merging my light and my shadow, I shine brighter than ever before. I am ready to embrace an abundant Universe and show the world who I truly am.

Sending you all the Summer Solstice sunshine and coziness of Cancer Season! PS: If you’d like to book a personalized reading, connect with me directly at www.tbhmagic.com.


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