The Astrology of 2022 with TBH Magic

Hi friends! It’s Erin from back again. Happy New Year! 2022 is, like every year, a mixed bag of energies. The good news is that the pandemic is slowly but surely receding, and the lessons we’re learning from it are becoming more and more clear.

Please note that these highlighted moments of the year are all general overviews (with dates included) that do not speak specifically to any one sign. If you’re interested in learning more about how this “astro weather” will impact you personally, I encourage you to book a reading so we can dive in together.

Biggest Astrological Moments of 2022

  • Jupiter in Pisces and Aries

  • Eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio

  • US Pluto Return

  • Venus Retrograde

  • Mercury Retrogrades (4 total) 

  • Mars Retrograde

Jupiter in Pisces December 18, 2021-May 10, 2022 

Jupiter entering Pisces on December 28th, 2021 is a transit that every astrologer is looking forward to. While it isn’t the answer to our ongoing problems, it will grant us the gift of hope. Jupiter in Pisces wants you to chase your wildest dreams. It might even help you actualize some of them come April, when there’s an auspicious connection between Jupiter and Neptune. Let yourself get carried away, but just remember to come back down to Earth afterward.

Jupiter in Aries May 10, 2022 - October 27, 2022

We’ll get a brief glimpse into the initiations that will truly bear fruit in 2023 during this period. Anything you’ve been wanting to begin will experience good luck in these months. While it might not fully take off immediately, it’s smart to at least get the plans underway. There will be a general feeling of new beginnings and excitement around people starting things we’ve never seen before.

Eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio

The lunar nodes change signs every 18 months or so, and on January 18th, 2022, they shift into the signs of Taurus and Scorpio. This is where we will experience all the eclipses of the year. Eclipses are moments (especially the time between eclipses, that can be called “Eclipse Portals”) where MAJOR life events can take place that feel out of your control/fated.

  • Partial SOLAR Eclipse Apr 30, 2022, at 10° Taurus - New Moon

  • Total LUNAR Eclipse May 16, 2022, at 25° Scorpio - Full Moon

  • Partial SOLAR Eclipse Oct 25, 2022, at 2° Scorpio - New Moon

  • Total LUNAR Eclipse November 8, 2022, at 16° Taurus - Full Moon

US Pluto Return

If you live in the United States, you will continue to see an ongoing rebirth of the nation. We will be collectively reckoning with our past, and unearthing lots of skeletons most would rather leave hidden away. There might be shocking reveals, specifically related to people with a lot of power (ahem, rich, white, men) but whatever upheavals happen are meant to further the country into a necessary rebirth. Remember it’s always darkest before dawn.

Exact Pluto Return dates:

  • February 20, 2022

  • April 27 pluto stations retrograde 

  • July 7, 2022

  • December 28, 2022

The Retrogrades

Mercury retrogrades 3-4 times a year, but in 2022 we also have a Venus and Mars retrograde to contend with too…which happen less often.

Retrogrades, no matter the planet, are always a period to review, revise, and revisit. We start the year with Venus retrograde, and Mercury soon joins the party. There will be a deep review of values, and exes are likely to resurface! Because Venus is conjunct Pluto the entire time though, it’s unlikely it will be a “getting back with your ex” story, and more a “closure and rebirth” period.

Retrograde Dates to Note:

  • Venus Retrograde: December 19 - January 29 (Venus always retrogrades for 40 days and 40 nights).

  • Mercury Retrograde: January 15 - February 3 (This will combine with Venus retrograde, so we’re in for a deep excavation to begin the year).

  • Mercury Retrograde: May 10 - June 3 (There will be an Eclipse during this period making it extra potent)

  • Mercury Retrograde: September 9 - October 2

  • Mars Retrograde: October 30 - January 12 (This is NOT the time to schedule a surgery, or anything invasive like a tattoo appointment, for example. It’s also not the best period to initiate any new projects). 

  • Mercury Retrograde: December 29 - January 18, 2023

2022 Zodiac Mantras 

  • Aries: I will manifest material abundance in 2022. 

  • Taurus: I will actualize my purpose in 2022.

  • Gemini: I will honor my intuition in 2022.

  • Cancer: I will welcome newfound friendships in 2022.

  • Leo: I will advance my career in 2022.

  • Virgo: I will travel far and wide in 2022. 

  • Libra: I will rise like a phoenix from the ashes in 2022.

  • Scorpio: I will commit to intimate partnerships in 2022.

  • Sagittarius: I will laser focus on health in 2022.

  • Capricorn: I will allow creativity to find me in 2022.

  • Aquarius: I will feather my nest in 2022.

  • Pisces: I will learn about my local community in 2022.

I hope this extensive list of dates/information will provide some structure to your year ahead. Sending lots of love and well wishes for your 2022!


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