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Astrology with TBH Magic: Pisces Full Moon

Hi angels! It’s Erin from TBH Magic ( back again. On Monday, we welcome a Full Moon in Pisces, and it feels like a really nice moment before Mercury Retrograde begins the following week…

Here’s everything you need to know about the Pisces Full Moon:

Sign: Pisces

Date: Monday, September 20th

Aspects: 28° Pisces, conjunct Neptune, opposite Mars

Something in your life is culminating. Pisces is the FINAL sign in the zodiacal wheel, and always brings up themes of completion. Full Moons are inherently about the full realization of a journey, so that energy is really magnified when it falls in the sign of Pisces.

For many, Monday, September 20th will manifest as an ending of some sort. However, remember that endings aren’t inherently bad…they simply signal space being cleared (likely for something even more beautiful to fill it!).

To see where this ending might occur in your own life, look for which HOUSE Pisces rules in your birth chart.

If you’re a Leo Rising like me, Pisces rules your 8th house of death, sex, and taxes! This house relates to resources you procure from others, so with this Full Moon, you could be receiving an inheritance of some kind or paying off a major debt. It could also manifest as a more emotional kind of tie to your resources, so perhaps the transformation of a close relationship is in store.

There’s likely to be some confusion around the messages you’re receiving now, so be cautious about making any big, bold moves at this time. Take note of what feelings are coming up, just know that since we’re also in the Mercury Retrograde shadow period for this Full Moon, confusion is likely.

Pisces is all about symbolism, so rather than hoping for a formal document to resolve whatever you’re thinking about, ask for a sign from the Universe! Psychic energy abounds on this date, and you’re much more likely to receive communication in an indirect fashion.

If you read Tarot cards, or have ever considered booking a Tarot reading (...I know a girl!) this Pisces Full Moon would be an ideal time for insights.

I love that as we’re entering the Fall season and the leaves are beginning their transformation around us, we’re confronting things in our personal lives that also require a change now.

Trust the process and I’ll see you on the other side.