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September Astrology with TBH Magic

September will have us inspecting the roots (and dirt!) hidden below the surface of our partnerships.

Hi angels! It’s Erin from back again to give you an update for the month ahead.

The big story this September is about the Mercury Retrograde happening at the end of the month. We’re gearing up for a serious deep dive into our one on one relationships as the season changes from summer to autumn. Astrologically, we’re all being asked to fall down the rabbit hole of who we’re in partnership with, and why.

But, luckily, Mercury doesn’t officially station retrograde till the END of September, so we still have some time to enjoy mercurial things in their highest vibration. If you have any major writing projects, for example, try to put your focus on them the first half of the month, rather than the second!

Here’s some other important dates to note in September:

  • Monday, September 6th: New Moon in Virgo

    • This Moon is all about the care we offer up to others. How do you support the most important people in your life? How would you like to IMPROVE upon the daily actions you take to show that you care? This is a new beginning in the realm of your attention to detail. Check what house Virgo rules in your birth chart for more specific themes.

  • Thursday, September 9th: Venus enters Scorpio

    • Venus will remain in Scorpio through the beginning of October, so that means when Mercury stations retrograde at the end of the month, it will do so with PLUTO playing a very important role. Pluto is the most intense planet of them all, signifying the cyclical (and mysterious) process of death and rebirth. It’s going to be an INTENSE month for love!

  • Tuesday, September 14th: Sun Opposite Neptune AND Mars enters Libra

    • Things could be a bit confused around this date. Neptune will make things hazy and unclear, while Mars entering Libra will make us very indecisive. Rather than knowing who we are at our core, we’re questioning who we’re becoming, and what that has to do with our partnerships. Take the day to pause, and reflect on the balance (or lack-thereof) in your partnerships.

  • Monday, September 20th: Full Moon in Pisces

    • Every month we have (at least) one Full Moon, and it falls opposite the sign of the Sun. In Virgo season, that means our Full Moon lands in Pisces. This one is at 28° Pisces, just before we enter Libra season.

  • Wednesday, September 22nd: Libra Season

    • To combine with the Mercury Retrograde happening in the same sign less than a week later, the later half of September is all about our committed partnerships. From now till mid-October, we’ll all be inspecting the agreements we’re part of. The ones that aren’t up to our standards of beauty and deepest values will be reworked.

  • Monday, September 27th: Mercury stations Retrograde

    • The end of the month is truly what the astrology is building towards all of September. This backtracking of Mercury through Libra will square Pluto, and cause us to have some really deep, possibly transformational conversations in regards to our partnerships, romantic and otherwise. Buckle up!

If you’re curious about your own astrological birth chart, get in touch with Erin directly at to book a reading!