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Astrology with TBH Magic: Taurus Season

Hi friends! It’s Erin from TBH Magic back once again! We’re halfway through April now and Taurus Season is quickly approaching!

But wait…did I say…quickly? That’s definitely not the motto for Taurus. As the first earth sign, it’s very slow moving.

Slow doesn’t mean bad though, at least not during Taurus Season. Here’s what you need to know!

Taurus Season Dates: April 20th - May 20th

With Taurus Season arrives a welcomed celebration of all the beauty in the world. I smile every year realizing Earth Day coincides (ok technically 48 hours later, but still) with the beginning of this astrological season. How perfect for a celebration of Mother Earth to link up with the astrological sign that does just that!

Taurus Season reminds us that Mother Nature is something we can genuinely EMBODY.

Taurus is the first earth sign and it's also of the fixed modality. In short, that means it's time to get grounded! While Aries season had us firing on all cylinders and ready for fresh starts, Taurus slows us down and grounds our fun initiations from last month into practical routines.

With Venus (the planetary ruler of Taurus) also transiting Taurus until May 8th, we’re all being given the opportunity to nurture ourselves by recognizing and leaning into the tangible representations of our values.

Taurus Season is about getting in touch with your roots and manifesting your deepest desires in the 3D realm. Love the earth? Why not BUY A FEW PLANTS to celebrate that love! Love art? MAKE IT! Love food? Taureans absolutely love luxuriating in a delicious meal.

Here’s a few questions to connect to this energy if you’re feeling stuck (remember, Taurus is a fixed sign, after all):

  • What is my relationship with money like right now?

  • Where can I bring more pleasure into my life?

  • How do I relate to the concept of commitment? Why?

If you'd like to dig a bit deeper and are familiar with your birth chart, check out which house Taurus rules. That's where you'll be shining for the next month! And if you're unfamiliar with your chart but curious to learn more, book a reading with me!