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Astrology with TBH Magic: Aries Season!

Hi friends! It’s Erin from TBH Magic. It’s been a little bit since I’ve been here…I think I got lost in the deep mystical waters of Pisces season! But the dry heat of a NEW zodiac sign is beckoning now and I’m just so excited to be back!

We’re welcoming ARIES SEASON this weekend…and things are getting HOT! Here’s everything you need to know.

Aries Season

  • Dates: March 21st - April 19th

  • Element: Fire

  • Modality: Cardinal

  • Key Words: Physicality, Initiation, Bravery

Both Aries Season and the Vernal Equinox are here to celebrate the turning of the wheel. While the energy doesn’t promise us anything inherently good or bad, it does ensure both change and movement. Pisces is the last sign, and Aries is the very first. So on that alone, you can probably sense that we’re all headed into something new and exciting around this time of the year.

How you interact with this impending HEAT has to do with many different aspects of your astrological birth chart. Where is the planet Mars in your chart? Which house does Aries rule? How many fire signs (if any) are in your chart? What about Cardinal energy?

If you’re not sure what I’m talking about…that’s ok! You can get in touch at to book a reading with me (Erin, hi!). While it’s a bit jargon-y when you’re unfamiliar, once you learn the language of the stars it will all make sense!

And in the meantime, I wrote y’all some horoscopes to help you understand! You don’t HAVE to know your Rising/Ascendant sign, but if you do, I recommend reading that as it will be more accurate. If you don’t know it, simply read for your “Sun” sign, as that you can determine from your birthday alone.


  • Aries: This is YOUR SEASON! No pressure...but you’re sort of leading the charge now. Can you handle it? Of course you can! No one takes control and makes things happen like an Aries. Your greatest quest now, is to unapologetically do you. In a world full of “imposter syndrome”, how do you stay true to yourself?

  • Taurus: While many around you are BURSTING forth onto the scene, you have a lot of action happening in your inner world now. It’s time to focus on what you deeply understand to be your personal path. Pay extra special attention to your dreams the next several weeks. What’s going on in your subconscious that is trying to deliver a message to your waking mind?

  • Gemini: You often let yourself get lost in all the little details, Gemini, but not right now! You’re looking at the big picture, and ready to expand your social circles and communities at large. If you have any grand plans you’ve been daydreaming is the time to share them with your people. What’s the best way to communicate your latest vision to the masses?

  • Cancer: Many assume that Cancer is timid and shy, but then see the true FIRE they have out in the world...and Aries season is no exception. Especially in your public roles now, you’re ready to take a leadership position and get something going. You might be tender hearted, but you’re ALSO a fierce leader. How are you working your way to the top of your career ladder this Spring?

  • Leo: It’s HOT out for Leos now, but when isn’t it?! You operate from a heated setting no matter what, but in the Spring, you’re supercharged! There’s just something about things blooming that makes you ready for a fresh perspective, too. The world is definitely your oyster at this time! Where are you wanting to travel for your next adventure?

  • Virgo: Can you say...SEXY TIME? Aries season illuminates your 8th house of sex, death, and rebirth. This is no lighthearted season for you, dear Virgo! You’re ready to take control in your intimate life, and also make sure your taxes get done on time. You know fresh things are simply dying to be born, so how can you prepare to confront necessary endings to clear your path?

  • Libra: This is an interesting time for you. We’re now navigating the exact opposite of your personal energy. For the next month, your seventh house of partnerships is super charged. It’s likely you’ll meet someone new and intriguing. As the flowers looks like new love could also be on the horizon for you! How can you INITIATE within your partnerships?

  • Scorpio: While your default setting is very intense, but often also withholding, you don’t sidestep ANY confrontations in your working world. As the flowers bloom around us, you’re ready for new ways of doing things 9-5. How can you embrace new systems, while also incorporating them into your established routines?

  • Sagittarius: The Spring is really the time for all three fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) to burn their brightest. And for you specifically, in a creative light! Aries season highlights your 5th house of passion. If you have kids, you’ll be especially affectionate and childlike with them now. If might start considering the idea! Whatever your relationship to kids is or isn’t, how will you inject a healthy dose of PLAY into your Spring routine?

  • Capricorn: You’re someone that prides themself on being on top of your shit, pretty much at all times! You’re great at being a leader and especially planning for the future. But Aries energy wants you to INITIATE and start something new, specifically related to your private life. While work might feel like the place you’re most comfortable being a can you bring that same energy to the home front this Spring?

  • Aquarius: You pride yourself on being a bit removed from the herd, but during Aries season, you just can’t get enough of all your friends! With more and more people getting the COVID vaccine everyday, you’re super excited to be around all your people again. What are you learning now about the groups you’re part of, and what new communities are intriguing to you post quarantine? 

  • Pisces: Sweet Pisces, you’re ready to take control of your finances now. While you come across as a little distracted at times, when it comes to your values and how they’re reflected in the world, you mean BUSINESS. This season is about working hard to ground your special affinities into the real world. Anything you want can be yours. What physical things are you currently trying to manifest?

I hope these little horoscopes will help guide you through your ASTROLOGICAL NEW YEAR and support you successfully engaging with this heated energy. It’s a time to be brave, to fight for what you believe in, and perhaps most importantly, to be unapologetically yourself. Onward!

If you want to learn more about your personal astrology, and/or book a Tarot reading, get in touch with Erin directly at TBH Magic.