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February Astrology: Try Not To Float Away!

Hi friends! It’s Erin from TBH Magic back again! Happy FEBRUARY!

It’s funny to think about Valentine’s Day falling in the midst of Aquarius season. “Love stuff” Is typically relegated to the water signs, while the air signs are toted as “thinkers” rather than “feelers”. Perhaps it’s an invitation for us all to understand that just like life, astrology isn’t perfect and there is SO MUCH grey area! No one sign (and no one person) is just one thing, or every single thing!

With that said, there is a lot, lot, LOT, of Aquarius energy taking up the skies in February 2021. So much, in fact, there’s a special astrological term for it! When three or more planets are grouped together in the same sign and house, we call that a “stellium” which is essentially just a BIG concentration of the same energy.

We’re all being confronted with this feeling of being detached...yet attached. Light...yet dark. New...yet old.

And to circle back to all that love stuff, Venus is one of the (many) planets in Aquarius this month. So you’re definitely in your *FeELs*...yet also, there’s just so many THOUGHTS!

So our February skies beg the question: How will you reconcile your head with your heart?

When do you overthink, when you should just listen your gut? When do you make decisions based on feelings, when more research should really come into play?

There’s no “superior” option between the head and the heart, between attached and detached. They’re both beautiful energies and both have their place...when informed by L-O-V-E.

Whether utilizing analytics or trusting your intuition (ahem, or the ~magical intersection~ of both!!) make the decisions that represent LOVE to you, and you’ll be walking your highest path this month, and always.

Ps: Remember, that path is a CIRCLE!

While you might feel/think that times are soOOo *insert your descriptor of choice* and you don’t even know if you can handle it, take a deep breath. Of course you can handle it! You’ve been here before; that’s literally why you’re here now.

With the Sun in Aquarius, #MercuryRetrograde in Aquarius, Saturn in Aquarius, Jupiter in Aquarius, AND the #NewMoon in Aquarius on 2/11/21...we’re all in for a VERY FLOATY February.

You might just think you’re going to float away!! But please don’t. We need you here! It’s more than ok to seek a higher view to gain perspective (it’s encouraged actually, at the moment), just find your tethers before completely drifting into the ether.

Whatcha thinking?? How’re you FEELING? Where’s Aquarius in your birth chart??

If you’re curious about astrology but feeling a little overwhelmed and/or confused, that’s ok! Reach out to Erin directly at to book a personalized reading!