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Astrology with TBH Magic: Aries Full Moon

Hi friends! It’s Erin at TBH Magic back again with your latest astrological update. Next week, there are some big transits happening. Here’s everything you need to know! 

The week starts off with some great news: both Jupiter AND Mercury station DIRECT! 

Jupiter is called the “Great Benefic” so if you’ve been feeling less than lucky lately, check out where Jupiter resides in your birth chart. That area of life will see a nice return of good news! Then, of course, Mercury has been retrograde for several weeks in Libra… the sign all about partnership. You can expect your commitments to resume with blessed forward momentum now.

In addition to all that on Monday good news on Monday, we’re building to an EXPLOSIVE Full Moon in Aries on Wednesday, October 20th.

This Moon isn’t necessarily “nice” like Monday’s happenings. It’s dynamic. It’s bold. And especially if you’re an Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn (the Cardinal signs) you can expect to feel it’s impact very personally.

In astrology, Aries is ruled by Mars. Mars is HOT. It’s aggressive, and it wants to win. This Full Moon on Wednesday could be volatile, so it’s important to pay attention to what surfaces around this day in your life.

This 27° Aries Full Moon is also opposite Mars and square Pluto, so you might find powerful themes around rebirth and, ultimately, complete transformation happening. Something could very well be coming to an end in your life...while a completely new energy gets a fiery beginning.

The words “baptism by fire” come to mind with this Full Moon in Aries. We’re still in the tail end of Libra Season on Wednesday, which is a sign of innocence, beauty, and purity. But the Full Moon is always opposite from the Sun.

Often, you can’t have sunshine and rainbows without having a dynamic Phoenix rising from the ashes moment first.

With Scorpio Season beginning just a few days later, this energy is par for the course. If you prepare yourself for the heat, rather than resist it, you might just emerge reborn.

If you’d like to learn more about astrology and Tarot in relation to your own life, Erin is booking online readings. You can check out her offerings at