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The First Week of January: Astrology of 2021

Hi friends! It’s Erin from @ TBH Magic back for a new year of astrology for TZS readers!

How’re you feeling this week? There’s a lot happening in the stars from the very onset of the year, and the things happening now will actually impact what your entire YEAR will feel like, so I wanted to give you a run-down.

Here’s what’s happening this week:


If you’re not very familiar with astrology, that translates as your actions/energy levels (Mars), the way you show love and the things you value (Venus) and the way you communicate (Mercury) all headed for a different energy than they had in December.

As an astrologer, this indicates a LOT to me about the energy of January (though there is still plenty more January astrology to come, but I’ll be back in a couple weeks for updates!).

Take note of how different you feel by the end of the first week of January. It’s likely that you’ll be more settled and calm than you were a couple weeks ago.

Why? Because Mars, the planet of ACTION, is moving from a fire sign that it was in since JUNE of 2020, into an Earth sign. That’s the biggest part of all of these shifts. You might not feel as busy as you did during the second-half of 2020 this month, but this should be a welcomed reset time. Things are moving a bit slower now, and building towards something new that has a lot more POTENTIAL to stand the test of time!

Trust the changes that are happening around you. We are moving forward toward our highest and greatest good.

Then Mercury and Venus switch signs tomorrow, Friday, January 8th, and they will exhibit very different energies, too.

Communication will feel much lighter than it did last year. There’s an analytical tilt to it. You’re gathering information and open to new ideas.

There’s a similar story happening to Venus as Mars. It’s going from a lot more explosive love to a more calm, quiet affection that will build over time.

With all of that said, be easy with yourself this first week of 2021. You went through so much last year, and this year is set to be transformational as well!

If you’re curious about learning more about the practice of astrology, and especially how the planets relate to you specifically, you can book a reading with me at or follow along on Instagram @tbhmagic!

For 2021, I’ll be here chatting about the stars every other Thursday. Can’t wait to travel through the year together!