The Zen Succulent | Low Maintenance Greenery At Your Doorstep

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Celebrate Self-Love during Venus Retrograde

It’s Erin from TBH Magic back again to talk plants and planets. And because we’re going to be talking about love in this post, you should know that I love writing for TZS so much, we’ve decided to make it official. Mark your calendars for the last three Thursdays of every month because I’ll be back to grace this corner of the internet with a happy dose of astrology content on a regular schedule!

Connect with me here with any questions or comments. I would love to hear any suggestions you have for future posts!

Venus is in retrograde from May 13th - June 25th this year. 

  • Venus = love and beauty

  • Retrograde = a planet appears to be moving backwards in orbit (it’s not actually backwards, it’s an illusion)

So what does that mean for us?

Very simply, Venus Retrograde is a period that our one-on-one relationships might not flow as smoothly as normal from now till the end of June.

But don’t let that scare you! Retrograde periods are always an opportunity. They give us time to slow down and look at things from a different perspective. 

In honor of Venus Retrograde, we’re leaning in to SELF-love for the next month!

Taking care of and loving on ourselves can look different for everyone. What does it look like for you? Is it a fitness routine, a luxurious candlelit bath, or maybe a pretty new accessory? Whatever your self-care routine looks like for the month ahead...the ZEN Succulent has you covered. 


  • Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius 

If your sun sign is in Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius, you connect with yourself through movement.

The movement you crave could be physical or it might be more of a mental game! Either way, why not get your hair out of your face while doing it? These scrunchies* are just as cute on your wrist as they will be tying up your hair!

*scrunchies are available in-store only at this time

These velvet scrunchies are stylish and versatile…much like fire signs!


  • Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn 

If your sun sign is in Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn, self-care is about taking a grounded approach.

Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn sun signs need relaxation as much as anyone, but you’re less likely to indulge in something totally frivolous. These wooden ring holders are handmade, beautiful, and most importantly to you…useful!

Practical, yet elevated. A great compliment for any earth sign!


  • Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius 

If your sun sign is in Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius, you are fueled by community.

You might struggle more than others with alone time, but being physically separated from people doesn’t have to mean being mentally separated! For the next month, connecting might look like diving into a great new book.* Why not get to know yourself a little deeper while you’re at it?

*some of the ZEN Succulent books are available online, many more are in-store only

Air signs love learning new information.


  • Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces

If your sun sign is in Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces, a candlelit bath is the preferable way for you to get in sync with your emotions.

When people think “self-love” it’s safe to say many envision the Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces aesthetic. Warm water, low lighting, and candles let you zone out from the outer world and get back in touch with yourself. There are many candles and bath products both in-store and online at TZS!

These candles are a perfect addition to any water sign’s self-care routine.

How are you going to lean into self-love during Venus Retrograde this year? Does your style align with your sun sign?

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