5 Common Plant Parent Mistakes
When your plants are happy, you’re happy!
In this installment of The Potting Shed, we’ll discuss common plant parent mistakes and how to avoid them.
Not Enough Humidity
House plants are quite good at communicating their needs to you. Your plant may display one or more of the following signs if it is getting not getting enough humidity:
Leaf tips become shriveled, brown and/or crusty
Leaf edges turn yellow; wilting may occur
Buds and flowers shrivel. and fall
Leaves fall if plant is very sensitive to dry air (for example, many ficus species, such as fiddle leaf fig and rubber tree); may begin to drop their leaves once you turn on the heat in the winter.
A humidity tray is a great way to keep your plants’ humidity level on point. Learn more here.
Too Much Water
Your plant will tell you if you are watering it too much, regardless of the plant species. Here are the warning signs of overwatering:
Leaves are limp, soft and may have rotten areas
Leaves fail to grow and mature, stunted growth
Leaves are curled, yellow and wilted; tips may also be brown, but not dry
Flowers are moldy
Both young and old leaves yellow and fall at the same time
Roots are brown and mushy
Plant soil emits a foul, rotting odor
Since these symptoms may indicate another problem, such as a problem with humidity or temperature, the plant needs to show at least two of these signs in order to determine exact cause.
Not sure when to water? Push your finger into the plant’s soil up to your first knuckle. Is the soil moist? No water needed. Is the soil dry? Time to water.
Too Much Light
Your plant will tell you if it’s getting too much light. The warning signs include:
Brown or gray scorch patches
Leaves wilt at midday
Leaves have a “washed-out” appearance
Leaves shrivel and die quickly
Succulents and cacti need more light than most plants. Learn more here.
Not Enough Light
Your plant will tell you if it’s not getting enough light. The warning signs include:
Leaves are smaller and paler than normal
Does not fully bloom, or at all, in flowering species
Lower leaves turn yellow, dry up and fall
Variegated leaves (edged or patterned in a second color, typically white or yellow) turn all green
No growth, or spindly growth with abnormally long spaces between leaves
While many plants look great on a window sill, make sure they aren’t catching a draft in winter.
Incorrect Temperature
Your plants will tell you if they don’t have the right temperature. Here are some warning signs:
Too cold: Leaf curl, followed by browning and leaf fall.
Too warm: Lower leaves wilt, edges turn brown and/or fall. Flowers are short-lived. Spindly growth in good light in winter or early spring.
Sudden change in temperature: Leaf fall after rapid yellowing.