The Zen Succulent | Low Maintenance Greenery At Your Doorstep

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Why You Need Plants In Your Life

Maybe we sound like a broken record here, but plants enhance our lives SO MUCH and in 2020…we just can’t help but shout that fact to the rooftops. While of course they’re aesthetically pleasing, live plants really do have so much more to offer. Here’s why you need plants in your life:


According to this article, plants lower your anxiety levels! The Japanese study they’re reporting about said that “People who kept a small plant on their desk had lower levels of anxiety and stress at the end of a four-week period.” In a year where millions of people began working from their homes, and millions of people are struggling with anxiety… it’s great to know that a small plant can make such a difference!

Golden Pothos from $12.95


If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that productivity is never more valuable than everyone’s health. Although, if you’re able to get things done while also being safe, it’s good to know that plants can help! According to this article:

“Analyses into the reasons why plants are beneficial suggests that a green office increases employees' work engagement by making them more physically, cognitively, and emotionally involved in their work.”

Parlor Palm / Bella Palm from $12.95


Oh yeah, we said it! Creativity is so important to us. It defines our shop! But even outside of work, being creative is such a fun way to unplug from whatever more “serious” things you might have going on. According to this article creativity can be increased by 15% just by being exposed to “natural elements” like these:

1. Natural light
2. Live indoor plants
3. Quiet working space
4. View of the sea
5. Bright colors

While we would LOVE a view of the sea while working…we’ll settle with some live indoor plants to aid in creativity :-)

Succulent Terrarium Plants from $5.00

It looks like caring for your plants is really a way to care for yourself!