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Halloween Full Moon in Taurus: Expect the Unexpected!

Hi friends! It’s Erin from TBH Magic back again. Did you know there’s a FULL MOON this Saturday, October 31st?! Saturday is also, of course, Halloween, Samhain, AND Día de los Muertos. So while millions of us around the world will be honoring spirits and celebrating the veil between worlds being extremely thin...we’ll also be in for some upheaval. Alas, would you expect anything less from 2020?

The Full Moon is in Taurus at 10:49 AM EST, and it’s exactly conjunct Uranus. A conjunction is a fancy astrology term (check out our earlier blog here that defines a bunch more astro jargon) that essentially means “on top of” and when two planets are that’s a powerful thing. 

The Full Moon is when we experience release each month. Our proverbial cups have been filling up since the last New Moon, and now they’re up to the brim and ready to overflow! People are more emotional and more volatile under a Full Moon than at any other time of a month. I mean, hello, the Moon controls the OCEAN, of course it impacts us too (in combination with many other planets, of course). 

Anyway, this weekend, we’re all going to feel the power of the Full Moon in Taurus in combination with Uranus, a planet of similar influence. It’s about truth, freedom, and revelations. It’s wAcKy (I love to name drop Elon Musk as a quintessential Aquarius, ruled by Uranus), progressive and full of SURPRISES. 

I can promise there will be BIG HEADLINES around the Full Moon this weekend. Think about DNA. Think about MONEY. Think about the ENVIRONMENT. This is the kind of truth coming to light...a physical manifestation of collective truths that simply can’t be debated.

This Full Moon is also exactly opposite the Sun in Scorpio. There’s a distinct balance here between “what’s mine” and “what’s ours” asking for reconciliation. Where do you give, and where do you take?

How are your beliefs and emotional depths TRULY expressed in the tangible, 3D realm?

You are a product of your environment, and vice versa. Remember that. With the veil this thin, and the first Full Moon landing on Halloween in 76 YEARS, I’m truly excited to see what’s going to happen. And while this horoscope will influence all of us, be especially alert if you have planets around 8 degrees of Taurus or Scorpio in your birth chart.

I’d love to hear what comes up for you this Full Moon. Email me directly at “” or DM me on Instagram @tbhmagic. Happy Halloween!