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Spring Equinox: Rituals and Mantras with TBH Magic

Hey friends! It’s Erin from TBH Magic.

This weekend (specifically on March 20th), we welcome the Spring Equinox and the first day of ARIES SEASON! This moment is all about BEGINNINGS.

I love to do ritual work at this potent time of year, so when meditating on something powerful to do, I first thought about the root chakra, and how we might honor grounding energy at this time.

What tangible items in your life serve to ground you? Maybe there’s a crystal you keep close when things are feeling intense, or perhaps there’s a favorite book on your shelf that reflects your human experience. It could even be a photograph of something or someone (including yourself!) that makes you feel rooted and strong.

Whatever it is, try to find a personal item that can act as a sort of totem to honor the Spring Equinox energy of initiation, bravery, physicality, and ultimately, unapologetic self-expression.

From there, you’re in charge! We love the idea of incorporating fresh flowers, herbs, or even dirt into your ritual to honor the beauty of Spring and the Astrological New Year. The Sacred Circle is a popular shape for ritual work, because it’s both protective and powerful (just like Aries energy) so maybe you encircle your personal item with whatever natural element makes the most sense for you.

As a final step in the process, lean into the energy of FIRE, as that’s what the Spring Equinox and Aries season are really all about.

Fire cleanses and purifies. It burns away what is no longer needed and clears space for what’s ready to be born. This step can be as elaborate as a big bonfire, or as simple as a symbolic box of matches. Of course lighting a candle is also perfect for this step!

In summary, here’s a beautiful ritual suggestion for the Spring Equinox and beginning of Aries Season:

  1. Activate your root chakra with a personal item that feels grounding

  2. Encircle your item with something natural to celebrate fresh growth

  3. Invigorate your intentions with heat to honor the fire element 

Once you’ve compiled your items and decided how you’d like to incorporate some heat, place them together in an area of your home that you find sacred. This is how you begin to alchemize seemingly random items into a powerful and intentional ritual.

You can call this space an altar, or not! It doesn’t have to be anything more or less than an intentional, physical representation of energy you’d like to honor and manifest for the Spring Equinox.

I also wrote you some mantras to celebrate this extra special time of year. I recommend you read for your RISING sign! Don’t know what it is? Book a reading with me.

ARIES/ARIES RISING: My body is strong and carries me into my next great adventure.


TAURUS/TAURUS RISING: My intuition is clear and direct, leading me onto my highest path.


GEMINI/GEMINI RISING: My ideas are powerful and influence the masses.


CANCER/CANCER RISING: My leadership abilities are fierce and unstoppable.


LEO/LEO RISING: My beliefs are palpable and take me on journeys far and wide.


VIRGO/VIRGO RISING: My intimate life is blazing the trail for my awakening.


LIBRA/LIBRA RISING: My partnerships are beginning anew and support who I’m becoming.


SCORPIO/SCORPIO RISING: My daily life is productive and embraces new systems.


SAGITTARIUS/SAGITTARIUS RISING: My creativity is blooming and inspires other's playfulness.


CAPRICORN/CAPRICORN RISING: My home life is ready for a fresh start with a new direction.


AQUARIUS/AQUARIUS RISING: My friends are brave and constantly giving me new ideas.


PISCES/PISCES RISING: My finances are evolving and exploring new ways to grow.

Wishing you all a beautiful Spring Equinox weekend and best of luck on whatever you’re beginning!