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Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide

Hey angels! It’s Erin from TBH Magic back again to update you on what’s going on in the sky. How’re you? We’re DEEP in Mercury Retrograde at this point…and just finishing up Eclipse Season, PLUS confronting the second Saturn square Uranus transit. In non astro jargon…that means life has felt like a LOT lately.

If you’ve been feeling frustrated, extra tired, weepy, or any other combination of “off” trust that it’s ok and you’re not alone.

The energy is going to lighten up a lot in July, so hopefully that comes as welcomed news! Until then, though, I thought a Mercury Retrograde survival guide could be just the thing to get you through the remainder of this transit.

Here’s What You Need To Know About Mercury Retrograde

“Mercury Retrograde” has become a specifically scary buzzword that gets tossed around regarding just about anything going wrong! I’m a really big fan of Mercury though, retrograde and otherwise, and just don’t think that’s warranted. 

I created this extensive guide to clear up some of the misinformation out there and offer support for navigating the energy.


When any planet goes “retrograde” it simply means it appears to be moving backwards.

It’s important to note that planets don’t physically move backwards in orbit, just like people don’t ever actually go backwards in their prospective journeys. Of course it can feel that way sometimes, but even supposed setbacks have a purpose.

Think about going through a car wash. Your car is stationary, but the machinery around your car is moving quickly. It can cause you to feel like you’re moving in reverse...but you’re not! There’s a similar process for the planets during a retrograde cycle. Planets typically move West to East in the sky, known as “prograde motion” but sometimes, their motion changes. When they temporarily move East to West, they’re in retrograde motion.

Mercury Retrograde is not unlike a car wash. Likely disorienting, but temporary, and once it’s over...unnecessary layers of buildup have been washed away. And while you pay money for a car wash, you can bet that Mercury Retrograde also requires an energetic exchange! But remember, that’s neither good nor bad, it’s just part of our life cycle.

Mercury rules communication and of course communication is an integral part of our collective lives, to varying degrees individually.

When this planet is retrograde, you can definitely expect some crossed wires and delays, especially regarding technology. It’s smart to prepare for setbacks in advance, like arriving at the airport earlier than normal, allocating extra time for appointments, and triple checking emails and texts before sending. If you’re not consciously thorough (and often even if you are) you might experience things going unexpectedly. That can be frustrating...which leads people to fear recurrence. 

But what if we decided to find comfort in this uncomfortable place? Maybe instead of fearing Mercury Retrograde, we can build a relationship with it.

Once you’re familiar with your natal Mercury (book a reading with me at if you’re not!) you’ll be better attuned to your own, default style of communication. When Mercury then goes retrograde in any of the signs, you can reference this list to see how it might land for you more personally. 

Mercury in Aries

Communication is unlikely to be as QUICK as you’re used to and it will be all too easy to get agitated when your previously initiated ideas go up in flames. Perhaps this is a chance to s-l-o-w d-o-w-n and focus on all the details you often breeze through. 

Mercury in Taurus

You take your time communicating and have a decent amount of patience. However, the plans you made so diligently before might get totally upended now! Unpredictability is not your strong-suit, but this is an opportunity for unpacking your relationship with (or aversion to) spontaneity. 

Mercury in Gemini

Mercury is one of the rulers of Gemini, so you’re a naturally gifted communicator. But when Mercury is Retrograde, it’s likely to impact you more intensely than others. Be cognisant of how changing your mind can throw you, and others, off course...or onto a better one. 

Mercury in Cancer

Crabs walk sideways to get where they’re going, and not unlike the crab, your default style of communication isn’t straightforward. You can usually sense if there’s a pothole that needs to be sidestepped...but a few might surprise you now. Letting go of routes you were once familiar with opens you to smoother ones.

Mercury in Leo

When you share your do so with flair. While unexpected fireworks might not throw you off course like others, are they always necessary? You’re a performer, and this time will have you focused on listening to your audience's reviews.

Mercury in Virgo

Like Gemini, Mercury is at home in Virgo. You’re easily analytical and hyper-supportive of others. But right now, your to-do lists might feel longer than usual, or GASP, be misplaced altogether! This is a chance to define yourself outside of your routines.

Mercury in Libra

More than any other, you can see conversations from both sides. This is a welcomed skill for negotiating and makes you a pro at compromise...but a retrograde Mercury won’t settle easily. Decide which conversations are worth the fight and recommit to entering the ring.

Mercury in Scorpio

You plunge to the depths of what’s being said (and not said) and don’t waste your time with small talk. Now, though, you could probe too deeply and find yourself sinking fast. Ensure a lifeguard is on duty before transgressing uncharted territory.

Mercury in Sagittarius

Not necessarily one for minutiae, you think big picture and are more likely to get frustrated with details now. Has your passport expired? Trust that refocusing on little things is necessary at this time and will have you jetting off again in no time.

Mercury in Capricorn

Your favorite conversations include a healthy ROI, but you don’t have all the control these days. Practice allowing others to take the driver's seat in communication and see how it feels to relax a bit.

Mercury in Aquarius 

You’re rewriting the current lexicon and have little patience for people that aren’t ten steps ahead like you! But...can old words find new meaning? Let yourself reimagine conversations that bored you in the past. Maybe you’ll be surprised!

Mercury in Pisces

Did you say that out loud...or just telepathically transmit it to someone? Mind-reading is de facto for you, but assuming others know how will only cause confusion. Focus on consciously communicating and your subconscious will only get stronger. 

I hope this guide will serve to support you on your Mercury Retrograde journey. Sending lots of love and a clear mind vibe your way!