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Astrology with TBH Magic: November Transits

Hi angels! It’s Erin from TBH Magic back again to talk all things astrology for November.

November is all about ECLIPSES. The big news is that we’ll be experiencing the first eclipse on the Taurus/Scorpio axis, shifting away from the Sagittarius/Gemini series we’ve been navigating since 2020.

This new Eclipse cycle will continue through 2023.

Expect fated events to unfold during the middle of the month (the house Taurus rules in your birth chart will provide context). This is also the final month before Venus stations retrograde, and with the Full Moon Eclipse in Taurus being RULED by could find matters of the heart being a big highlight in November as well.

Mars has also entered Scorpio as of October 30th, and will remain there the entirety of November. Mars is the traditional ruler of Scorpio so it’s VERY strong here. You will be taking actions with finality- closing some chapters and beginning new ones in powerful ways. Remember that letting go frees up space to move forward.

  • Thursday, November 4th: New Moon in Scorpio

  • Friday, November 5th: Venus enters Capricorn

    • Venus will be here for a LOOOOONG time, as it stations retrograde in Capricorn in December. Whatever house Capricorn rules in your chart will be receiving a makeover from now through January 2022.

  • Friday, November 5th: Mercury enters Scorpio

  • Wednesday, November 10th: Mars in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius

    • Desire for ACTION will be at odds with boundaries. Notice where you discover caution tape and if you decide to abide by it or rip it down in pursuit of the truth.

  • Friday, November 19th: Full Moon ECLIPSE in Taurus (first of four eclipses in the series)

    • Taurus house in your birth chart is highlighted. Not “good” or “bad” but certainly meant to happen. The very beginning of a two year saga.

  • Sunday, November 21st: Sun enters Sagittarius 

  • Monday, November 24th: Mercury enters Sagittarius

And that’s all for now! Add in the family dynamics of Thanksgiving and we have quite the month ahead. Wishing you all a happy holiday season and I’ll be back again in November with more planetary updates. :-)

If you’re interested in learning more about astrology, Tarot, or anything else MAGIC related, reach out to Erin at to book your personal reading!