Why Houseplants Make a Difference

Many of us in the plant community know the benefits of houseplants and the joy they bring, but not everyone sees them that way. To some, plants are just that. Plants.

For this week’s edition of From the Potting Shed we’ll be introducing you to some of the ways houseplants can improve your everyday health. 

Houseplants are not only good for turning your home into an indoor jungle, but will drastically improve the air quality of whatever room you have them in.

The leafier the plant the better rate at which the plant can remove toxins such as formaldehyde and mold from the air. This happens when plants transpire, pulling and circulating air through their leaves and roots.

The microorganisms in soil can also help to pull toxins from the air. Filling your home with all types of plants will help the air quality in your home improve, but snake plants, Boston ferns, aloe, and peace lillies are known for their air purifying qualities. 

Stressed? Life seemingly passing you by? Can’t catch a break? Pick up a plant! Though these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, plants are a huge mood booster.

Being able to walk into The Zen Succulent on a Wednesday morning before we open our doors to our shoppers is like taking a breath of fresh air. Getting to look to the left and right of you to see shelves full of healthy and thriving plants brings a sense of comfort that could only be given by something straight from nature itself.

The next time you find yourself stressed over work or feeling pessimistic about the world we live in like the rest of us, pick up a plant. Look at the detailed fronds or ripples on the leaves. Take note of the sturdiness or the delicacy of the plant.

How it enjoys sunny spaces and not too shady corners. Taking the time to appreciate the greenery around us ultimately helps improve our moods and makes life seem a little bit better. 

Are you an insomniac like me? Even when you get a full 8 hours of sleep does it still feel like you only clocked 5? Well, your issue might be simple.

You don’t have any plants in your bedroom. Studies have shown that exposure to higher levels of oxygen at night can promote a more restful sleep, so adding plants to your bedroom is the perfect way of increasing oxygen.

Photosynthesis can be thanked for this sleep hack! A few snake plants, a couple of money trees, and some spider plants should do the trick.

Whether you spend most of your time around plants or if you’re new to the plant community and are still getting your feet wet, houseplants are the perfect addition to anyone looking to improve the quality of the air, get better sleep during the night, and boost mood and energy for a better quality of life.

The next time you walk into a plant shop or see a plant, flower, or tree somewhere during your day, stop and look at it.

Appreciate its features and remember that it needs us to live and grow and you’ll find yourself smiling often and worrying less. 


Plant Tip Tuesday: How To Repot Your Favorite Houseplants


Plant Tip Tuesday: How To Steer Clear Of Pests And Keep Your Plants Looking Their Best