Air Plants? Tillandsia? Those aren't different plants?

No! They indeed are the same plant. Tillandsia is actually the scientific name:) you probably only ever see them advertised as air plants. Here at The Zen Succulent we love plants all the same. Not just succulents. This week we wanna put the spotlight on air plants and how to be successful in taking care of them. Keep reading to find out more✨

What are Air Plants?

Air plants, also known as Tillandsia, are a type of plant that does not need soil to grow. They are native to tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas, and they get their nutrients and water from the air and rain. Air plants come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and they can be quite beautiful.

How to Care for Air Plants

Air plants are relatively easy to care for, but there are a few things you need to do to keep them healthy. Here are some tips on how to care for air plants:

Water them regularly: Air plants need to be watered regularly, but soaked only once a month. Mist your air plant weekly and give it a nice soaking once a month in a container of water for 20 minutes and always remember to dry them upside down to prevent the plant from rotting. 

Give them bright, indirect light: Air plants need bright, indirect light, but they should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Too much direct sunlight can and will scorch their leaves. Think about where they grow in nature. On trees. Filtered light is what these guys are gonna prefer. 

Fertilize them occasionally: You can fertilize air plants with a diluted liquid fertilizer about every two weeks. If you aren’t great at keeping plants on a watering schedule you can use this method to substitute misting the air plant once a week. 

Re-pot them every few years: Air plants will eventually outgrow the containers you choose to put them in and even though you don’t have to pot them in soil like a regular plant, you want to switch its pot out about every couple years. When you repotting them, use a pot that is just slightly bigger for the plant so it can cozy up inside of it. 

Tips for Displaying Air Plants

Air plants are beautiful plants that can be displayed in a variety of ways. Here are a few tips for displaying air plants:

Hang them in a window: Air plants look great hanging in a window. You can use a piece of wire or string to hang them from a hook in the window.

Display them on a shelf: Air plants can also be displayed on a shelf. You can use a variety of containers to display them, such as glass jars, vases, or even old coffee cups.

Group them together: Air plants look great when they are grouped together. You can group them by type, size, or color.

Add them to a terrarium: Air plants can also be added to a terrarium. They will add a touch of beauty and interest to your terrarium.

Air plants are beautiful and easy-to-care-for plants that can add a touch of life to any room. With a little care, you can enjoy your air plants for many years to come.

Here are some additional tips for caring for air plants:

-Avoid overwatering air plants. Too much water can cause them to rot.

-Air plants can be propagated easily by dividing them into smaller plants.

-Air plants are relatively pest- and disease-resistant. However, they can be susceptible to mealybugs and scale insects so it's best to keep a bottle of insecticide handy. 

-If you notice any problems with your air plants, such as browning leaves or pests, take action immediately to correct the problem and save the rest of the plant. 

With proper care, air plants can thrive for many years. They are a beautiful and unique addition to any home! 


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